
My name is Dániel Tibor Sepsi, certified mechanical engineer. In 2009, I graduated from the Integrated Engineering major of the Budapest University of Technology, in English, which is equivalent to today’s Mechatronics Engineer training. I fell in love with electrical installation during university. After graduating from university, I applied for the electrician training and became a qualified electrician.
The unreliability, mess and dirty working environment experienced in the construction industry (most people in the construction industry have never even heard of a vacuum cleaner), the unprofessional attitude inspired me to create a business that shows that it is possible to install electricity in a different way, it can also be done professionally. We do our work according to the 5S lean methodology, which has significantly more meaning than “order and cleanliness”,
1. Seiri – Selection,
2. Seiton – Arrangement,
3. Seiso – Cleaning,
4. Seiketsu – Standardization,
5. Shitsuke – Maintenance.
It is this methodology that ensures the right working environment, excellent work, and that the customer can always be fully satisfied.
We undertake the management of small or large projects.